
Published on:

19th Jun 2024

The DM's Travel Bookclub: 10. The Quasielemental Planes of Radiance & Steam!

The hosts of The DM's Book Club proudly bring you a new limited series, The DM's Travel Bookclub: A Guide to The Inner Planes!

In each episode, we'll explore the Inner Planes of Existence as outlined in the Great Wheel cosmology in the roleplaying game, Dungeons & Dragons.

Our hosts, Fiona and Hamilton, continue their journey of the Inner Planes by visiting the Quasielemental Planes of Radiance & Steam.

The four positive Quasielemental Planes (also known as quasiplanes) hang suspended between the Elemental Planes and the Positive Energy Plane. They combine matter and energy to form vivid, dynamic realms unlike those found anywhere else in the multiverse.

The Quasiplane of Radiance is a place of incredible light born of the union between Fire and Positive Energy. Although it's one of the most beautiful sights a body could ever behold, it's also overwhelming.

The Quasiplane of Steam forms at the juncture of Water and Positive Energy, where cutters finds themselves swept up in rolling white mists. These vapors are the stuff of clouds and fog and can be breathed safely and feel refreshing against the skin.

Book discussed: 'The Inner Planes (2e)' published by Wizards of the Coast (1998).

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The DM's Book Club is hosted, recorded, edited, and produced by Fiona Howat (@WAIR_Podcast) and Hamilton (@TheDragonDM). 

The DM’s Book Club Logo was designed by Sam Robins (@Bobhatstand).

The theme music: 'Road Trip' by Doug Maxwell and Jimmy Fontanez

Additional music:

Background videoes by StefWithAnF from Pexels & cottonbro studio from Pexels.

Get in touch!


Twitter: @TheDMsBookClub DMBC


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Show artwork for The DM‘s Book Club

About the Podcast

The DM‘s Book Club
A weekly podcast where we read about some Dungeons and Dragons and discuss how we might include it in our role-playing campaigns!
Do you like a good book? Do you like Dungeons & Dragons? Fancy combining them? Us too!
Come join Fiona & Hamilton for ‘The DM’s Book Club’: a weekly podcast where we read about some Dungeons and Dragons and discuss how we might include it in our role-playing campaigns!